Monday, March 18, 2013

Car Dealership Marketing Ratings: How Does Your Dealership Measure Up?

The most valuable asset you can have is an objective perspective of your dealership. 

 Here is a simple test you can take to help identify some objective  details about your business.

Grab a pen and paper and grade yourself on a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being totally unacceptable,  10 being perfect)

1. I am totally satisfied with my staff and feel they are  doing the best they can do.
2. I feel my staff is happy and content with their jobs.

3. I have a good understanding of my customer base.

4. I am satisfied with my current efforts and know I  am offering the best possible service, quality, and  pricing to my customers.

5. I believe my showroom, dealership layout, are  the best they can be.
6. I am satisfied with my current level of sales and  profit.
7. I have a thorough understanding of my competition  and know their strengths and weaknesses.
8. I feel the products and services I offer are complete, my prices fair, and my profit margins acceptable.
9. I am confident that my inventory levels are under control.
10. I am aware of my strengths and weaknesses and can  list them on paper.

Now, let’s see how you did. Add up the ten individual scores to see how you stack up.

90–100—Great job! You obviously are in touch with the pulse of your business.

 80–89—You have a pretty good understanding of your business, but realize there is room for improvement.
70–79—Things are becoming overwhelming to you, and you are searching for answers.
60–69—Your business is getting out of control and you are probably considering joining a monastery.
59 and below—You are wondering why in the world you got into this industry in the first place.

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